Wired Guest Post: Kindle micro-transactions for the win
A little while ago, I put a few thoughts together for this blog based on Kindle potentially becoming a platform for saving, reading and buying content web-wide – like Instapaper meets the App Store.
Only, instead of publishing it here, I pitched it into technology bible Wired and it was published over there. Which was nice.
Check out an extract below and see what you think. I’d say it’s only a matter of time before this becomes a reality…
We recently saw the news that Ars Technica’s OS X Lion review took sales of $15,000 in one day, despite also being freely available on their website. Following the Mark Zuckerberg Time piece earlier this year, which was available in print, perhaps this demonstrates a growing proportion of people willing to pay for added convenience.
But, looking at the bigger picture, I think this in particular also raises a pertinent question: What if Kindle became a platform for hosting written content and providing payment to authors across the whole web?