"why not offer an alternative cut back version of Google results that shows fewer ads and reminds the..."
“why not offer an alternative cut back version of Google results that shows fewer ads and reminds the user why they fell in love with the search engine in the first place?”
Google Zero: the answer to the backlash | MaxTB.com
I wrote this a little while ago but with the recent spate of changes to Facebook, it makes me wish they would introduce something similar too.
I don’t know what’s going on with my Facebook page anymore, it’s such a hassle to work out who can see what and the question of what value it’s providing me is more and more limited.
Why does it matter what I Like if there are 100 trivial things? Why does anyone need to know my favourite quote or 50 favourite films (in no order)?
The thing is, unlike a lot of people, I actually have this site for things like that. I have a place where I can exist, express myself and show who I am on my own terms. Then use Facebook if I ever want to extend the reach of that content. Or Twitter. Or the “next big thing”.
It’s obviously a rare approach but I’d extend it to marketing efforts too – these things are just channels and not to be trusted by investing too much within their high and closed walls. Use them and abuse them.
In business, that’s easy because it’s your job to spend time working out how to do that. In private life, it’s just an increasing pain in the arse.